B2B Magazine focused its Summer 2017 issue around the Design Industry in Omaha. Farris Engineering is among the many great companies showcased in the issue.
The official ribbon cutting for the new Bergan Mercy Teaching and Trauma Facility was held on June 9th. The 120,000 sf renovation and 135,000 sf addition includes a newly renovated ICU, new patient floors and medical office space.
Michael Wallace, PE, Electrical Department Team Leader, recently completed the ACEC Emerging Leaders Program. The class is limited to 20 people and contains 7 sessions
Don Foster is now a certified Renewable Energy Professional (REP) with the American Association of Energy Engineers. This certification recognizes the expertise of professionals involved in the design of renewable energy
Farris Engineering's Ryan King was recently quoted in the July 8th issue of the Midlands Business Journal sharing his thoughts on working with different architects.
South Dakota State University needed to add a new Chiller Plant to accommodate growth of its campus. It was to be an unstaffed, efficient and low-operating-cost facility
Farris Engineering’s Colorado Springs office was awarded the Front Range Engineering Design IDIQ Open End Contract earlier this year. The performance period includes this base year with 4 option years
The Carolyn Scott Rainbow House is an affordable place away from home for families whose sick child is receiving care at Children's Hospital and Medical Center.
Farris Engineering is very proud to have been selected as the Nebraska Business Development Center's Government Contractor of the Year for 2015. This award was in recognition of Farris Engineering's continued excellent support of government agencies and growth in Federal Market share.